About Blake Woods

I draw inspiration from every experience in my life and see very clearly how each experience has influenced my design choices and aesthetic. Throughout my life, independent and innovative people have encouraged my creative and technical side. My mother was the type of person who could sew and make an outfit one day and the next day, float and tape sheetrock and then plant a garden.  My father taught me discipline. He was a dentist and was meticulous in his work. I often went to his office on the weekends, when it was empty and I felt a sense of him there. It was his space, his world, and his creation. This was inspiring to me and made an unconscious impression on me. His office was the space where his world came to life.  My grandparents were resourceful and spirited in their outlook on life. My grandfather taught me how to fix things and fostered my technical side. As a child, he seemed to be the happiest person I knew. My grandmother Woods told me that it was best not to rely on anyone. She taught me how to sew on a button and cook.  My grandmother Romine owned a small grocery store and taught me how to make change and courteous customer service and treating everyone with respect.

As a kid, I continually rearranged my bedroom. The room of four walls, a ceiling and floor, was the ‘stage’ and the furniture became the props for experimentation. I was the director and the possibilities were endless as I searched for a new and better design.

Kitchen Apollo 9.jpg